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Unkey Engineering


Error handling for Unkey APIs

Machine and human readable error codes

The Unkey API returns machine readable error codes to quickly identify the type of error as well as link to the docs and a requestId. Please always include the requestId in your error report.

  "error": {
    "code": "UNAUTHORIZED",
    "message": "We were unable to authorize your request. Either your key was missing, malformed or does not have the required permissions.",
    "docs": "https://unkey.api/docs/api-reference/errors/code/UNAUTHORIZED",
    "requestId": "req_1234567890"

If you can’t debug something on your own or think there is a bug, please get in touch with us on Discord or Email and provide the full error response.

In the future

When we move the API from cloudflare to stateful servers, we will expand upon this to offer more error details to the user in a well defined format.

RFC9457 looks interesting.

On this page